The Gift: H. ‘Lemon Lime’ In Bloom

June 23, 2015 004


“Presents are made for the pleasure of who gives them,

not the merits of who receives them.”

  Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Last July, Michael Laico offered to trade plants with those who follow his woodworking blog.  Michael maintains a lovely woodland garden on his mountain in South Carolina, and listed the plants he could offer as divisions.


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I was interested, and soon we moved from his comments to emails negotiating our trade.  Michael sent me a division of his yellow Japanese Iris along with a bonus gift of his Hosta ‘Lemon Lime.’


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I learned that Michael loves Hosta, and grows many varieties in his garden.  I also love Hosta, but discoverd early on that those I plant out in this garden are subject to grazing by rabbits and deer.

I now grow some Hostas in  pots on the deck to protect them.  And Michael promised me these H. ‘Lemon Lime’ are miniatures, and perfect for culture in a pot.


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We exchanged plants in late July, with an eye to the weather.  I planted both Iris and Hosta in containers to protect them while they established.  The Iris went into a garden bed this spring and are growing on well.

The Hosta still grow in their original pots.  And their growth this spring has been spectacular!


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Hosta make a good ground cover.  When not in bloom, they often recede into the background of a planting scheme.  These miniature Hostas, especially, don’t scream for your attention, like my Begonia Rex and showy Coleus.

But now that they have bloomed, I see they are truly stunning in their own way. Hostas attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies.  I expect to see hummingbirds hovering around these blossoms any day now.


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Their delicate flowers show exquisite markings.

Michael sent enough divisions that I divided them between two pots.  After putting as many as I dared in the decorative glazed pot, the remainder went into a spare nursery pot with a rooted Begonia cutting.  Somehow a bit of hardy Begonia grandis found its way into the pot as well.

I like the Hosta on its own merits, but also as a ground cover under a larger potted plant.  Both pots of Hosta would probably benefit from division after they bloom, they’ve grown so well.


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“Give freely to the world these gifts of love and compassion.

Do not concern yourself with how much

you receive in return,

just know in your heart it will be returned.”

Steve Maraboli


June 23, 2015 011~

This post is to thank Michael once again for his gift of healthy plants, and to reinvigorate the notion of garden bloggers sharing plants with one another.

Gwennie recently made the generous offer to send me a start of her Begonia, ‘Muddy Waters,’ which I covet.  As much as I would love to accept her offer, I believe border inspections might prevent it from reaching me from her home in Belgium.  I’ve thanked her and continue my search to locate this stunning Begonia in the United States.


This cane Begonia has been with us for many years now.  It roots easily in water, and I've shared cuttings with many friends.

This cane Begonia has been with us for many years now. It roots easily in water, and I’ve shared cuttings with many friends.


But I enjoy sharing plants with blogging friends and neighbors.  The Pelargonium cuttings Eliza recently shared continue to root on my kitchen counter.  I planning to send her some of our re-blooming German Iris when this heat finally breaks!

Neighborhood friends pass plants among ourselves routinely, and always learn something interesting as we share.  My garden is populated with beautiful living gifts, constant reminders of loved ones and friends.


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“A gift consists not in what is done or given,

but in the intention of the giver or doer.”




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Deb, at Unexpected In Common Hours,  passed on another gift of sorts, yesterday, when she asked me to participate in the ” Three Days Three Quotes” blogging challenge.  I enjoy sharing quotations in my posts, so this challenge is a pleasure to accept.

I’ve learned that when sharing plants with someone, it is important to make sure they can accept the plants, first. Can they provide the conditions a plant needs to thrive?  How much space is needed?  Is this a plant they will enjoy growing?

A surprise gift can become a burden, especially when that gift is alive.  As with any other gift, there has to be a certain “fit” between the gift and the one who receives.


These odd 'Under the Sea' Coleus may be an acquired taste.  I love them, but would not offer a cutting unless a friend admired them first.  They grow here with Oxalis triangularis, which I've shared with many friends.

These odd ‘Under the Sea’ Coleus may be an acquired taste. I love them, but would not offer a cutting unless a friend admired them first. They grow here with Oxalis triangularis, which I’ve shared with many friends.


Which brings us back to this latest blogging challenge.  I’ve recently read some interesting essays by fellow bloggers  about these awards and challenges which make the rounds.  To some, they have the icky feel of chain letters.

Maybe there are just too many lately.  Maybe they pressure bloggers to reveal more about themselves than they wish, or to post more frequently than they comfortably can.  I don’t want to pass on something which makes another uncomfortable.

That is why I have decided to participate in this three day challenge, but not to pass it on this time.

However, if you would like to take part in this simple three day challenge, please let me know and I will be delighted to invite you.  I’m happy to pass on the invitation to those happy to receive it!

Let gifts always be those things which bring our loved ones joy, like this beautiful Hosta, and so many other beautiful creatures growing in our garden.


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“It is a tremendous gift

to simply and truly listen to another.

  Bryant McGill


June 20, 2015 garden 037


Woodland Gnome 2015



About woodlandgnome

Lifelong teacher and gardener.

38 responses to “The Gift: H. ‘Lemon Lime’ In Bloom

  1. Pingback: time to play | What was it??

  2. That’s a beautiful hosta. I’ve just started getting familiar with hostas, having planted a few this year.

    I used to feel that way about challenges and awards, that they were similar to chain letters, but I think it was for the reason you mentioned. There were just too many making the rounds and, with the awards especially, it felt rude to decline. I still don’t do anything with awards, but challenges can sometimes be fun and I usually will accept those. Not this week, though, because we are busy, busy here at the ranch. 🙂

    • I was happy that you accepted the challenge from me back in the spring , Robin . .. yet I noticed that you weren’t comfortable handing it off to a lot of other bloggers , either . I like how linking these challenges to others encourages more networking . But one person per post is sufficient . This one dictates 3; which potentially gets you into trouble with 9 friends ! How did you weather last night’s storm? We were thinking of you both as we watched it on radar .

      • Lots of dark, dark clouds, lightning, and about a half inch of rain. Otherwise, it wasn’t so bad. None of the rough stuff materialized here (thanks goodness!!). How about you? Did the storms blow through your area?

        • Storms started about 45 minutes after we finally gave up and went to bed- 3 hours or more of heavy rain and thunder. No damage, and the garden is well watered! It was so much cooler this morning…. blessedly. A perfect morning for weeding with the ground so soft! We are enjoying a break from the heat!

  3. Such a tall blossom on that hosta, but what a lovely one to have closer to eye level! Your gift of blue morning glory seeds have sprouted and are slowly making their way up the trellis. How exciting I’m going to be getting another gift from you – I’d forgotten about the iris. 😉 I hope the cuttings are rooting for you, I’m anxious that they will propagate before too long!

    • I’m happy the seeds have taken off! You forgot the Iris?? I’m letting them grow a bit more before dividing them, but will dig some roots soon . How exciting to have a new garden in progress this week . ☺

      • Well, I remembered admiring them, but had forgotten that you were going to send me some roots! 😉
        I just was perusing a site for deer resistant plants and rudbeckia is listed, so go figure! Now I’m worried about the hydrangeas that the owners requested, golly-gee! Now I see what you are up against!

  4. farseems

    What a beautiful post this was, (as are all of yours) but this one of giving and receiving, it’s joys, ithe considerations, was delightful. The hostas you received are beautiful.

    I shall be leaving some yellow Iris bulbs for you.

    • Thank you 😊Are these the tall ones we admired in May? They are lovely. I am not going to plant again until the weather cools, though . It is so hot for the plants and the gardener. I hope it breaks with the rain tonight . May you have a safe and easy trip tomorrow . I am looking forward to your photos . Giant hugs

  5. oh wow, they love the soil you are growing them in!!! They looks great, and I am so glad you are enjoying them!! You’ll be ready to divide some of them soon and plant more in your garden. Love the post! Michael

  6. A lovely post and what a beautiful Hosta

  7. The blooming stems on my Hostas generally flop over. Is there some trick to getting them to stand at attention like that?

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