A World of Color

College Creek, Williamsburg, Virginia

College Creek, Williamsburg, Virginia

The world is full of color here this first weekend of November.  A simple every day miracle, perhaps, to see once green leaves transform into scarlet, ocher, gold, and orange; but oh so wonderful to watch the slow motion unfolding of their beauty.

What was once a solid wall of green differentiates.  We see individuals stand out from the border for a brief few days before the wind lifts the leaves, one by one, and scatters them.  Each beautiful oak and maple will blend again into the wintery latticework of bare branches against the sky.    Sunrise and sunset  will fill the sky with brilliant color behind the screen of their branches for so many weeks that we will eventually forget the beauty of this fleeting moment.

Jamestown Island

Jamestown Island

There is urgency to capture  this beauty while it is here to enjoy.  Every nuance of sun and cloud, morning and evening, transforms the landscape.

It is a slow motion autumn.  Some trees, covered in leaves, shiver in the wind beside neighbors already bare.  Some stand brilliant around the edges, still green leaves sheltered in the canopy.

We are invited to open our eyes and see; to pause in our daily path and inhale color through all of our senses.  The sun is more precious when it shines through the clouds.  The autumn leaves treasured more today than  through all the days of summer.  So here is a glimpse of our Virginia autumn for your enjoyment.  I hope yours has been as vivid and beautiful as ours.

About woodlandgnome

Lifelong teacher and gardener.

3 responses to “A World of Color

  1. I love autumn color too! It has been fabulous this year in Maryland.

  2. Breathtakingly beautiful! What intoxicating landscapes! I bet you find it hard to do anything but admire the trees. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your autumn.

    • So happy you enjoyed the photos of the beautiful forests and trees. They had to be shared- too pretty not to take pictures to remember their beauty and share with others. A joy to be outside this week 😉 Best wishes, WG

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