Nature Challenge Day 6: Light

May 14, 2016 clouds 011


“Find the light. Reach for it. Live for it.

Pull yourself up by it.

Gratitude always makes for straighter, taller trees.”


Al R. Young


May 27, 2016 garden 011


“Gardens are made of darkness and light entwined.”


F.T. McKinstry,


Oregon Trip 2016 095~

“From whichever direction or

from whoever the light comes to you,

always welcome it!”


Mehmet Murat ildan


Oregon Trip 2016 118


Woodland Gnome 2016


May 2, 2016 garden 042


Blogging friend, Y., invited me to join the Seven Day Nature Challenge last Saturday from her new site, In the Zone.  For this sixth day of the challenge, I’ll invite you again to join in.

This challenge has been out there for a while, and many nature photographers have already participated.  If you would like to take up the challenge, please accept in the comments and I’ll link back to you tomorrow.   I’ll look forward to seeing what surprises May has brought to your corner of the world, even as I share the beauty of ours. 

Our Forest Garden- The Journey Continues

Please visit and follow Our Forest Garden- The Journey Continues to see all new posts since January 8, 2021.

A new site allows me to continue posting new content since after more than 1700 posts there is no more room on this site.  -WG

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