Silent Sunday

February 9, 2015 Rhodie 008 


“When you have once seen the glow of happiness

on the face of a beloved person,

you know that a man can have no vocation

but to awaken that light

on the faces surrounding him.

In the depth of winter, I finally learned

that within me there lay an invincible summer.”


Albert Camus


February 7, 2015 micro 039


Photos by Woodland Gnome 2015

About woodlandgnome

Lifelong teacher and gardener.

8 responses to “Silent Sunday

  1. I’m longing for crocus. I’ll have to keep admiring that sparkling snow a while longer.

  2. The crocuses are lovely – Spring flowers bursting through last year’s brown leaf litter are always such a joy to see.

  3. Good quote for today. How nice you have crocus blooming! I get to have an extended spring, starting with yours. 🙂 Sounds like you got a lot of wind. The front is moving past now, so I’m hoping it settles down.

    • It has finally settled out here. I like Crocus because they can close up and protect themselves when the weather turns raw again. They last for a long time here. Those are the first brave ones we’ve seen… more on the way. You won’t find much spring around here today unless you come inside 😉 Enjoy your flowers 😉

  4. Here’s to the invincible summer. I saw my yellow crocus pushing through the other day. I hope they are still hanging in there. Haven’t ventured out into the wind yet. Lots of power lost in my neck of the woods but not my house. How about you?

    • Robin, I’ve been wondering how you were faring in this storm. We saw Amelia’s blizzard on the evening news last night! It was sunny as I turned onto 360 late yesterday afternoon. But my folks lost power as they were eating their dinner, and didn’t get it back until after 9 this AM. They have gas logs and just bundled up and slept near the fireplace (if one can sleep in a cold house through a raging storm… ? ) Our power has stayed on, but we’ve had limbs down and porch furniture blown around. All in all, we’re OK and appreciative for a sunny day. The rest of the week…. looks like a good time to head south on a winter vacation! I know you’re keeping your boys warm and snug- So glad you’re power has stayed on 😉 Here is to the invincible summer in our hearts ! Cheers! WG

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