A “Dirty Hands” Garden Club

Colocasia, "Blue Hawaii"

Colocasia, “Blue Hawaii”


I would love to join  a “Dirty Hands” Garden Club;
One whose members know more about fertilizers
Than they do about wines…


July 19, 2014 Container 044

A gift of Glads, from a sister gardener…


I’d want our meetings spent wandering through nurseries,
Learning from  expert gardeners,
Or building community gardens…


Bumblebee on Lantana

Bumblebee on Lantana



Not frittered away in chit chat over hors d’oeuvres .



Bumblebee on Basil

Bumblebee on Basil


And all of us would be at least a little expert in something,
Glad to share what we’ve learned;


Tiger Swallowtail on Echinacea

Tiger Swallowtail on Echinacea


And we all would love putting our hands in the dirt
To help something grow.



Eastern Redbud Tree seedpods

Eastern Redbud Tree seedpods


My club would collect species, not dues;
Re-build ecosystems rather than plant ivy and  box.


Blue dragonfly on Lantana

Blue dragonfly on Lantana


We “dirty hands” gardeners can band together
In spirit, if not in four walls.
We can share plants and insights,
Instigate, propagate, and appreciate;


Rooted Begonia cutting

Rooted Begonia cutting resting on a bowl of Pitcherplants


Perhaps we can even help rehabilitate 
Some sterile lawn somewhere
Into something which nurtures beauty
And feeds souls….


A gift of Siberian Iris, from Barbara, growing in a new section of the garden.

A gift of Siberian Iris, from Barbara, growing in a new section of the garden.


Others can judge flowers,
Decorate homes at Christmas
And organize tours.
These things are needed, too.


Native Hibiscus

Native Hibiscus


(But I would rather be out in the garden;
Where cardinals preside over the morning meeting,
And  hummingbirds are our special guests for the day.
The daily agenda ranges from watering to transplanting;
From pruning to watching for turtles and dragonflies.)


July 20, 2014 hummingbird 010


We  wear our muddy shoes and well worn gloves with pride,
Our spades and pruners always close at hand.


July 19, 2014 Container 051


We converse with Nature,
And re-build the web strand by strand,
Plant by plant.


July 20, 2014 butterflies 001


If this invitation speaks to you,
Perhaps we can work together,
From wherever we might find ourselves
Around the globe.

July 19, 2014 Container 023


We can each put our hands in the dirt
and create a garden,


July 19, 2014 Container 025


Nurture Beauty,
And restore health and vitality to our Earth, together.


July 19, 2014 Container 024


Does a “Dirty Hands” Garden Club
Appeal to you?


Words and Photos by Woodland Gnome 2014


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