Green Thumb Tip #14: Right Place, Right Plant

Japanese Maple shades a Hosta, “Empress Wu” in the Wubbel’s garden at Forest Lane Botanicals in neighboring York County.


The first of the new year’s plant catalogs landed in our mailbox earlier this week.  After resisting it for a day, I finally poured a fresh cup of coffee and sat down to savor its promises of  fresh gardening adventures.  My attention was grabbed by a new Hosta introduction, H. ‘Waterslide’ on page 2.  Oh, such a pretty grey-blue Hosta, with long, wavy leaves.

I felt the first tickling sensation of plant lust inflaming my gardener’s imagination.  Before I hardly knew what was happening, I was back on the computer searching for vendors and deals on this new Hosta cultivar.  Then, barely pausing for breath, I was admiring all of the many Hosta cultivars offered by the Avents at Plant Delights Nursery, including their own new introductions this season.  Did you know that some of their Hosta will grow to nearly 4′ tall and wide?  Can you imagine?


Hosta growing in our garden, with Autumn Brilliance fern, in  2012. The fern survived and thrives. The Hosta was grazed a few too many times, and hasn’t returned in recent years.


That is how it begins each winter.  With little left to do outdoors, I’m planting imaginary gardens in my mind filled with roses, Hosta, ferns, fruit trees, herbs and lots of vibrant petunias.  I can spend many happy hours reading plant catalogs and gardening books, sketching out new beds and making long wish lists of new acquisitions.  I am always keenly interested in the year’s new introductions across many genera, and spend time assessing the year’s newest Proven Winners.


Autumn Brilliance ferns, Mahonia and Edgeworthia chrysantha maintain a beautiful presence through the worst winter weather in our garden.  December 2016.


Now, during the first few years on a new property, one might excuse such extravagance.  But I’m experienced enough to know better, by now, and have determined to impose even more self-discipline this year than ever before.

That, and I literally just planted the last of our spring flowering bulbs, acquired on December 15 on the clearance sale at Brent and Becky’s Bulb Shop.  What was I thinking?   What rational gardener loads up on an additional five dozen bulbs in mid-December, even if they are 75% off?

I used our last warmish day to find spots for every last one of them, including the last of the 50 miniature Iris bulbs ordered earlier this fall.  I rationalized ‘Christmas presents,’ at the time.  And in honesty, a few of my close gardening friends did get a dozen or so of the little guys.  But that still left me with a lot of little Iris bulbs to place.  Where to put them all?


Winter blooming miniature Iris, February 2017.


And that, of course, is the point.  I am a naturally curious plant collector.  I want to try growing one or two (or two dozen)  of everything! They all grow beautifully in my imagination.


June 2017 in our front garden. The tall flowers are grown from grocery store carrots, planted in late winter.  It is nearly time to plant carrots again.  These bloomed for several months last summer.


But reality sets in as I wander around the garden, pot and trowel in hand thinking, ‘Where can I plant this?’  And that approach regularly gets me into trouble.

Like people and pets, plants have needs.  If you meet their individual needs, they will thrive.  If you don’t plant them in the right place where their needs are met, they mope along looking ratty.



Or worse, your investment dies.  But that’s not the end of it.  No, sometimes it is even worse when you successfully meet a plant’s needs, and it takes off and shows you its thuggish nature as it takes over all of the surrounding real-estate its hungry little roots can reach!


Rudbeckia laciniata, a native that feeds wildlife, and an unapologetic thug that has taken over our ‘butterfly garden.’  Yes, there is work to do here before spring….


Within a season or two, those plants near such an over-achiever get crowded or shaded out.  Without a vigilant gardener ready to prune, divide, dig out and generally keep the horticultural peace, the balance (and a season or two’s previous plantings) are lost.

So I remind myself, as we come into the 2018 gardening catalog season, of what I used to frequently remind my students:  “PPPPP.”  (or, Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance)  With a bit of creativity, maybe we can work a ‘Planting’ into that maxim…


Our stump garden has finally taken off from bare mulch, four summers ago.  This photo from spring of 2017 shows how lush it has become over just a few years.


As our garden fills up, there are fewer and fewer places left to plant anything new.  As little starts and rooted cuttings mature and grow on and spread, there is almost no ‘good’ place left to even consider installing a new bed or planting area in this garden.

Beyond even that practical consideration, this remains a hostile environment for so many beloved garden plants that most gardeners consider ‘normal,’ or even ‘easy.’  Like Hosta.  And daylillies.  And roses and oh, so many other fruiting and flowering plants I would love to grow!



I can certainly order and plant that beautiful $20+ newest and grooviest Hosta.  If nowhere else, I’ll stick it in a pot and grow it under a shady tree.  But NO!  Just as soon as it begins to really fill out and look great in its new spot, some hungry Bambi will squirm into our garden on a day after the rain has washed our repellents away. The next time I go out to admire and water said Hosta, it will be gnawed off at the soil.


Native Mountain Laurel blooms here  for several weeks in May.  This small tree remains evergreen all year, with interesting bark and slender trunks.  Poisonous, deer and squirrels leave it strictly alone.


Thus, we return to, “Right place, right plant.”  You see, I’ve been working sorta backwards all of my gardening life.  (and yes, I’ve enjoyed it, and No, I don’t regret all of those poor planting choices.  I get lucky sometimes.)


The stump garden, with newly planted Iris, Violas, chives, and Geranium cuttings in October of 2013;  four months after several trees came down here in a summer thunderstorm.


First, we choose the place to plant.  Then, we analyze what will grow well there, and what we want those new plants to do for us.  Do we need something flowering?  Something evergreen?  Something edible?  A visual screen for something?  Does it fit into a larger planting scheme?

I envy those highly regarded English garden designers, who are commissioned to fill many acres at a time of some posh, historical site.  They have space, and budgets, and walls to hold off the deer.  And, they have deep soil and a perfect climate to fill their garden with roses….


Late April, 2017, and our Iris fill the front garden.


But I’m gardening in my imagination again, which is maybe OK this last week of the year.

I’ve made a firm New Year’s resolution to make more realistic plant purchases this coming year, and fewer of them.  I intend to train a new habit of having a spot chosen in advance before any new plant may be ordered or adopted on a whim.

No more vague, “I’ll find a spot for it, I’m sure.” 


September 2013, and I took a friend’s good advice to try this Edgeworthia.  We sited it well, and it has delighted us with its flowers each winter since.


This will make my partner very happy.  This is a Forest Garden, and I want to make sure we leave room for the trees, and the people, and for the plants that have already sunk their roots here, to grow.


Our ‘deer resistant’ garden in February, 2017

Woodland Gnome 2017

About woodlandgnome

Lifelong teacher and gardener.

13 responses to “Green Thumb Tip #14: Right Place, Right Plant

  1. I allowed the ever well-mannered farmhouse door blue spiderwort to stay. But that bright cerise pink…wow it made mats not unlike those … ‘gas’ plants that have over run and crowded out many natives on the Northern California coast.

    I could do a post about the time I’ve spent fighting invasive species from Russian Olive or Russian Sage (depending on who’s talking) to Purple Loosestrife. A neighbor invited me to organize a walk through the local dune woods to remove all the volunteer cotoneaster that escaped from local hardware store inspired foundation plantings. I’m too old now and pass my spade on to younger gardeners. 🙂 Go get ’em, kids!

  2. I came back to remark on ‘garden thugs’; as I grow older, and arthritic, I have been trying to rid my gardens of rampant self-seeders. A bad year of health and BOOM..I have a tangled mat of roots that block all other plants from sustenance. It was a pink spiderwort that did me in. Daffodils could not even pierce the mat.
    The pink was gorgeous, but no, I don’t have the health for such things.

    • A very good point! A reminder to us all to choose our garden companions well, with an eye to what they may become. And to think that I was recently admiring pink spiderwort in a garden catalog! It is a lovely pink, and I remember spiderwort from my great grandmother’s garden….

    • Ah, and our numbers are growing. Examining depressions in the moist garden soil this morning trying to determine whether they were Bambi foot prints or the openings to vole tunnels. In one case, it was a footprint with a tunnel running from it!!!

  3. Your last picture (and so many of the others!) is a joy. Just what the canopy of a woodland garden should be. Funny that you have focused on the Edgeworthia. My husband, recently thumbing through a winter issue of The Garden, has fixated on it and is now demanding we add it! No good pointing out that I’m not sure where we can put it.

    • Cathy, that was exactly my reaction when first introduced to the Edgeworthia. You definitely want space for it to expand. It is a signature piece, and deserves space to be appreciated. Our space opened up after some trees came down in a storm. I was very happy to have a good place for it at last, and we enjoy that shrub enormously from November through May. The flowers are sweetly fragrant, and open ever so slowly over several months. I understand your husband’s fixation on this beautiful shrub, and would highly recommend removing something- if necessary- to make room for this fascinating shrub. It entertains while most of the garden slumbers! Happy New Year to you and yours, Cheers!

  4. I like the ‘5 P’ advice. We’ve lived here so long, it’s been years since I even looked at catalogs. Not that I don’t admire new plants I see. It is more that I no longer have the energy to keep the beds I have looking good. It is hard to let things go, but I have to be realistic. I’ve become pretty good at denial. 😉

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