December Reflections

December Reflections

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December is a time to reflect as another year draws to its close.

Nature has crafted it as a time of peace and silence,

A time to slow down the pace we’ve kept since early spring.

As the world outside goes dormant, there is little to do

here in our modern lives.

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Once upon a time there was wood to chop and carry,

Game to hunt and prepare;

The ever ongoing round of baking, roasting, stewing, frying

percolating, brewing,

To keep families comforted and fed.

Perhaps children to entertain and instruct by candlelight.

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But now most of that is optional.

There is a gadget to

replace each and every well worn task.

We are free to do as we will;

To write, to paint, to craft, to read, to visit,

To plant the seeds of a new life in a new year;

To dig up the roots of past plantings and examine them yet again.

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Or simply to sit in peace and silence,

In the glow of those candles

we lit by our own hands and mind;

And simply


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Photos by Woodland Gnome 2013

“Seeing through to essential nature is the window of enlightenment.”

                                           Hakuun Yasutani Roshi

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