Sunday Dinner: Finding Peace


“My country is the world,
and my religion is to do good.”
Thomas Paine



“Until he extends the circle of his compassion
to all living things,
man will not himself find peace.”

Albert Schweitzer



“Leave behind the passive dreaming
of a rose-tinted future.
The energy of happiness
exists in living today
with roots sunk firmly in reality’s soil.”
Daisaku Ikeda



“Can you look
without the voice in your head commenting,
drawing conclusions, comparing,
or trying to figure something out?”
Eckhart Tolle



“Peace is present right here and now,
in ourselves and in everything we do and see.
Every breath we take,
every step we take,
can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity.
The question is whether or not
we are in touch with it.
We need only to be awake,
alive in the present moment.”
Thich Nhat Hanh



“World peace must develop from inner peace.
Peace is not just mere absence of violence.
Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.”
Dali Lama



Photos by Woodland Gnome 2018



“Let the peace of this day
be here tomorrow when I wake up.”
Thomas Pynchon



Photos from Colonial Williamsburg and the Bruton Parish churchyard

About woodlandgnome

Lifelong teacher and gardener.

10 responses to “Sunday Dinner: Finding Peace

  1. Hey, what is that odd honeysuckle in the second to last picture?

  2. Lovely photos and quotes – wishing you all the best of the season!

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